Sustainable Development Goals in the Library
- Communities
- Co-creation with stakeholders
- Inclusiveness
- Difficult conversations
- Activating citizens
- Learning mindset
- Collection
- Sensitive societal issues
- Policy making
- Funding
- Marketing and communication
- Volunteers
- Influencing
- Accountability
- Sustainable development goals
- Project based working

In november 2022 a delegation of the Dutch libraries will visit Sweden and Denmark to get inspired on working with the SDG's. This is a great opportunity to start an international network of librarians that work with the SDG's and can help eachother with their knowledge and expertise! Will you be present at the Pecha Kucha presentations in Malmö on november 16th or at the SDG workshop in Gladsaxe on november 18th, please select your skills and expertises on the right of this screen and then click on the orange button 'Aanmelden'. This will create a visualisation of our network that will help you find the right person to talk to if you have questions about working with the SDG's!
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