Ik ben vandaag begonnen met het terugvragen van Data bij Facebook en Instagram. Hiervoor heb ik de informatie en ervaring gebruikt die Ruben Verborgh heeft verzameld in zijn terugvraag actie. Wil je ook je data terugvragen? https://www.facebook.com/help/contact/540977946302970 Ik heb deze tekst gebruikt, opgebouwd uit de mails van Ruben Verborgh ======== I request the results of your processing and analysis of data that I have provided and that others have provided about me. They do not have to be in raw or original material form. I request all of the information that others have provided about me and the data you have derived from that. They do not have to be in raw or original material form. I request all my unique identifiers, to which you clearly have access. They do not have to be in raw or original material form. I request a year-by-year overview of the revenue my profile has earned you. They do not have to be in raw or original material form. I request all of the data points from the list below that are not in your infamous offline data warehouse. They do not have to be in raw or original material form. activity feature usage presence history in-app browser activity app and file names and types plugins information and behaviors performed on the device unique identifiers, device-IDs, and other identifiers WiFi signals Bluetooth ambient WiFi cell tower accelerometer gyroscope magnetometer air pressure ambient light proximity motion detection satellite information ISP timezone connection speed pixel event data offline Conversion API event data SDK event data data file from publishers for matching news publisher products all of the advertising preferences that you have derived from my profile any time measurements you have regarding my activities on Instagram the list of times when I activated and deactivated my profile all of the interactions I had with Instagram I request all derived profile data you have about me. Inferred interests, preferences, political leanings, whatever. Every single profile characteristic that is connected to my identifier. They do not have to be in raw or original material form. Please provide me all of the above within one month, according to my legal rights under Article 15 of the General Data Protection Regulation. They do not have to be in raw or original material form. ========