MeetupBlockchain technologie Tilburg

Blockchain projects in Noord Brabant

Presentation of blockchain projects by Jeroen Goos and Horizon Internet Technologies.
Jeroen is working on projects that combine blockchain with IoT and LoRa.
Horizon is working on blockcain projects on Hyperledger Fabric and will present their new Blocktracts platform that should make blockchain deployments easier and faster.

Collaborate on blockchain projects. We are located at the Digilab in the library at the LocHal. Pitch your blockchain ideas to a group of blockchain experts.

If you would like to join, please also create a profile and join our group on Kenniscloud:

Over het programma

19:00 Inloop

19:30 Presentatie Jeroen Goos

20:30 Presentatie Horizon

21:30 Afsluiting

21:45 Zaal sluit


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